I have been in the process of going back through by library of photographs and taking a look back at some of my older images. There have been massive advances in the photo editing software over the years as well as my personal editing style. I am evaluating a couple of RAW photo editors so this offered a good time and revisit some of my older photographs.
All of the photos in this post are from a 2015 trip to Wyoming, approximately one hour north of Cody. We were cruising down the highway and came across a couple of cowboys and cowgirl. on horseback riding along the side of the road. They were fully decked out in vests, hats and chaps. We pulled off to the side of the road and introduced ourselves. We explained we were photographers and actually photographed on various ranches documenting what was left of the truly working American cowboy. They explained they had been out moving a couple of head of cattle and were headed by to headquarters. We asked if we could grab our cameras and make a few photographs. I further explained that I had a lot of respect they do and that I would never post any photographs that did not reflect on the character or qulities that exemplify the Code of the West. They were more than happy to oblige our request and said they were headed down the to a place to water the horses and that we should be able to capture some phographs as it would offer a better backdrop. The following photographs are just a few from that roadside encounter.
It was a great experience and I really enjoyed meeting them. I was so thankful we took the time to pull off to the side of the road and ask if we could make a couple of photographs. Once of the things I have done since this experience is to create an 8.25″ x 5.25″ digest that shows off some of my photography work. The are generally 22 – 28 pages in length and include my contact information. I try to keep several of these in my camera bag. If I have any similar opportunities in the future I can pull out a copy of the digest to provide them a copy and show the photography work that I do. It’s proven to be a great tool and provides much beeter representation of my work than a business card.