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We Were Cruising Down The Road In Wyoming And Came Across….

I have been in the process of going back through by library of photographs and taking a look back at some of my older images.  There have been massive advances in the photo editing software over the years as well as my personal editing style.  I am evaluating a couple...

A New Chapter

And so a new chapter has begun. I recently retired a couple of months ago from the corporate world, hence the title of this blog post, a new chapter. It is a time in my life that I was ready for. Hopefully one of the things that I will be able to do a much better job...

It’s Springtime Again

It's springtime once again any on many working ranches that means that it's time for spring roundup or what some call spring works.  I have done a very poor job of posting to my website on any sort of regular basis much less posting anything at all.  I keep thinking I...

Back To The Kokernot o6 Ranch

I have been guilty of neglecting my website, as life tends to get in the way. However, I recently had the opportunity to return to the Davis Mountains area of Texas and visit the breathtaking Kokernot o6 Ranch. My past visits were filled with a sense of melancholy due...


I continue to overhaul my website giving it a much more brighter and less cluttered look. I started this endeavor a few years back but then things got extremely busy a few years back.  With the recent pandemic I've been working from home for just about the past two...

A New Year A New Direction

Another year has come and gone.  I've done a very poor job of posting anything to my website for the past couple of years. I've alsow kind of strayed away from other social platforms such as Facebook and Instagram.  With everything that has been going on in the world...

Be Prepared

The two photographs are from a recent trip this past summer to Wyoming.  Typically when photographing working cowboys I will have two camera bodies on me at all times.  One is typically outfitted with a telephoto zoom.  The other camera is usually equipped with  a...

Kendall Pruett is an photographer and visual storyteller from Abilene, Texas. His interest in wildlife dated back to the days of his early childhood, watching Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom. Ken also developed an early interest in art where the majority of his drawings and paintings featured wildlife subjects and won numerous art and conservation competitions during his childhood years.  His love of the American West began in his early childhood as well.

Ken first entered college as a wildlife biology major. With the job market being pretty grim at the time for wildlife biologist, he eventually changed majors and graduated with a degree in geology. It was during this time in college that he acquired is first film SLR camera to carry on various geology field trips, shooting predominately slide film. Upon graduation he continued to carry a camera with him in the field as a working geologist, taking advantage of his spare time to head off down the many back roads in search of wildlife and super cell thunderstorms to photograph across the plains of Texas.

Recent Entries From Ken’s Journal

A New Chapter
A New Chapter

A New Chapter

And so a new chapter has begun. I recently retired a couple of months ago from the corporate world, hence the title of this blog post, a new chapter. It is a time in my life that I was ready for. Hopefully one of the things that I will be able to do a much better...